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Facing unsolicted opinions as a new mother

There's one crucial general rule of thumb while visiting new mothers which is refraining yourself from giving "unsolicited opinions"! We, as a human, are accustomed to providing opinions all the times, but sometimes we have to step back and keep our train of thoughts to ourselves. The postpartum period is a stage where new mothers are vulnerable the most. Unsolicited opinions often leave them highly doubting everything they do for their child. But then, where you draw the line between reliable feedback and unsolicited opinion? There's some clue that you can lookout. The opinion is not medically sound! People kept telling me to give my baby solid food when she was only four months old. Besides that, I was also advised to give her water. As someone who was exclusively breastfeeding her at the time, I find it to be absurd and annoyed even after I numerously explained that we have to wait at least till the baby is six months old and she has everything that she needs in br

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